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Infographic Nonprofits

Board alignment in charities: What board administrators need to know


Are you a charity or nonprofit board secretary looking for ways to enhance board alignment and engagement? Look no further! We’re excited to introduce our latest infographic, ‘Getting your board on the same page,’ designed specifically for board secretaries and administrators like you.

This infographic is a handy, visual guide to help you ensure your board members are well-prepared, engaged and aligned with your organisation’s mission and goals.

The importance of preparation

One of the key challenges in aligning board members is low preparation for meetings. According to the infographic, only a quarter of board secretaries report that most or all of their board members actively prepare.

Shannon Oliver, Administration Support Manager at Florida State College at Jacksonville, suggests, “Remind them during meetings that their material is prepared ahead of time for them to review at their leisure.”

This simple reminder can make a big difference in ensuring board members are well-prepared.

The power of engagement

A truly engaged board of directors is essential to the health and well-being of your mission-driven organisation. When board members are engaged, they become your nonprofit’s best ambassadors, advocates, strategists, and all-around supporters.

Doreen Trombley, Executive Assistant and Board Liaison at AbleLight, emphasizes the importance of “continuously communicating our strategic priorities and inviting board members to actively participate in the implementation of our strategies.”

Making the time commitment

Effective board alignment requires a commitment of time. Gina Hebert, Director of Operations & Board Relations at Woodwell Climate Research Center, recommends using the committee structure to communicate and align on issues prior to full board meetings.

Ian Olson, Board Coordinator at the Minnesota Historical Society, adds, “Involve them in setting strategic priorities / strategic planning; bring up the topic often in board meetings. Leave space for discussion and questions.”

Building connection and consistent communication

Building strong connections among board members is crucial for open and effective communication. Barbara Paxton, director at BoardStrong, advises, “Build some time to socialise into meetings. Have a board retreat that includes team building. Schedule a few social events — like family day during the summer or board dinner after a meeting. Board members will be more engaged and look forward to seeing their friends at board meetings.”

Are boards getting opportunities to align?

According to our survey, almost half of boards conduct training or workshops once a year, while nearly one-fifth do not create these opportunities at all.

Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Assistant to the President & Corporate Secretary and Corporate Compliance Officer at Presbyterian SeniorCare Network, shares,

“We involve our board in our strategic planning process, kicking it off every year at the board retreat where we obtain their ideas and input on what our focus should be on for the upcoming year.”

Infographic how to get your board on the same page

Next steps for enhanced alignment and effectiveness

To get your board on the same page, consider the following steps:

  • Set clear expectations around board members’ roles and behaviors.
  • Measure current board engagement.
  • Look for outside-the-box events to build connection between board members.
  • Ensure board members experience the community you serve.
  • Find training opportunities to fill in the gaps.

How BoardEffect can help

“For me, the measurable outcome (of using BoardEffect) is that you know that the board members have really engaged in the materials now. It’s evident through their logins beforehand, it’s evident in the discussions, in the boardroom and their questions around the material. All of those things mean they have put some thought into it and have engaged.” – SuEllen Holmes, COO, International Network of Churches

“I love the Meeting Workbooks — it puts everything in one place which reduces miscommunication, allows me to track who is participating and significantly saves time.” – Bing Goldsworth, Executive Assistant to the CEO, Organically Grown Company

“Being able to use BoardEffect to track RSVPs and to send messages to those who have not responded. It helps us with our final numbers, and gets the members more engaged with using BoardEffect (checking out the library, meeting packages, and other things).” – Manpreet Banga, Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers

By following these steps and implementing the strategies shared in our infographic, you can significantly enhance board alignment and engagement. We hope this infographic serves as a valuable resource for you and your board. If you would like to find out how BoardEffect can help you with board alignment and engagement, feel free to reach out.

Ellen Glasgow

Ellen Glasgow serves as General Manager, Mission Driven Organizations for Diligent Corporation, the leader in modern governance providing SaaS solutions across governance, risk, compliance, audit and ESG. In her role, Ellen oversees the commercial team, which includes new and expansion sales, marketing, and sales development for the Diligent Governance solutions that support Mission Driven Organizations (Nonprofits, Associations, Education, Community Healthcare & Government).

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