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January 6, 2021

Digital Governance Best Practices

Depending on the average age of the board directors and senior executives, organisations may have top corporate leadership teams that are primarily digital conservatives. Best practices for digital governance are just beginning to evolve and boards that lack the necessary…

January 4, 2021

Becoming a Digital Board in the Digital Age

Board governance in today’s world isn’t for the faint of heart. Board directors must learn how to govern in an era of increasing digitisation which has brought new and complex issues like a volatile economic and social climate, and disruption.…

December 22, 2020

7 Key Steps to Digitising Governance

Anytime big changes are happening in the corporate world, not-for-profit organisations need to pay attention. That’s because many of the same issues that occur in businesses have a residual effect in the not-for-profit realm. One of the big issues that’s…

December 18, 2020

Best Practices for Not-for-profit Board Oversight

It’s often only after someone joins a not-for-profit board that they suddenly realise the full weight of their duties and responsibilities. Before someone accepts a position on a not-for-profit board, they need to be aware that not-for-profits have been under…

December 7, 2020

Improving Board Education for Not-for-profits

Passion is often the thing that motivates people to serve on a not-for-profit board, but passion alone only takes them so far. It’s not uncommon for not-for-profit board members to have little or no knowledge or experience in governance matters.…

December 3, 2020

Not-for-profit Board Video Conference Etiquette

The ongoing pandemic is making video conferencing a necessary component of not-for-profit leadership for the foreseeable future. Videoconference technology can keep your board safe and connected, which is vitally important to keeping your not-for-profit strong and sustainable during these challenging…

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