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March 24, 2017

Directors and Officers: The Value of D&O Questionnaires and Insurance

Directors and officers insurance (D&O) has an interesting history. In the late 19th century, Lloyd’s of London, a conglomerate of insurance syndicates, developed the current model of D&O liability. But for many years, D&O maintained its popularity primarily within the United States. Around the 1980s, however, the benefits of D&O insurance spread across the ocean…

Best Practice Board Reporting
March 9, 2017

Best Practice Board Reporting

Who is responsible for the quality of board reports—management or the board? If you said both, you’d be correct. Boards function best when they receive reports that have enough information for them to develop business strategies for short and long-term…

Nonprofit Best Practices Hold The Key To Board Governance Issues
February 22, 2017

Nonprofit Best Practices Hold the Key to Board Governance Issues

While it’s helpful to review multiple studies about a particular issue, research about nonprofit board governance issues hasn’t been studied very much. That’s what makes the 2015 Survey on Board of Directors of Nonprofit Organizations by the Stanford Graduate School of Business such an excellent tool. The report brings out some important facts about known…

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