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How To Set An Effective Non-Profit Agenda
January 17, 2017

How to Set an Effective Nonprofit Agenda

What’s the difference between an unproductive nonprofit board meeting and an effective nonprofit board meeting? The board meeting agenda and the board chair who uses it. The agenda is the board chair’s most important tool. When a non-profit board meeting agenda is written well, it helps the board chair to make fast decisions about managing…

Open Meetings, Closed Sessions: Executive Session As A Too
November 22, 2016

Open Meetings, Closed Sessions: Executive Session as a Tool

Have you ever been to an open meeting where something came out into public view that would have been better if it had been handled privately? Perhaps someone’s reputation or career was damaged before the board had time to discuss the full scope of the facts? Executive sessions are designed to handle such matters. When…

Best Practices For Board Evaluations
November 1, 2016

Best Practices for Board Evaluations

In response to the uncertain economic climate, the expectations for the culture of boards has changed. Shareholders know that the composition of the board of directors forms the cornerstone for strategic planning and strong performance. Investors have seen their fair share of governance failures in recent decades and they are starting to look at board…

Do’s And Don’ts Of Non-Profit Board Development
October 26, 2016

Do’s and Don’ts of Nonprofit Board Development

The board of directors of a nonprofit organization is the ultimate governing body of the group. Individually and collectively, the board is responsible for financial oversight, providing leadership and direction, being transparent and accountable to its stakeholders, and protecting its legal liability. It’s rare to discover a board member of a nonprofit that has strong…

The Easy Guide To Understanding Board Procedure
October 24, 2016

The Easy Guide to Understanding Board Procedure

If you’ve attended a board meeting for the first time, you may be surprised at just how much happens there in the space of a short time. You might also have come away from it with a new appreciation for the full weight that board members carry as they make decisions.

Five Ways To Simplify Preparing For A Board Meeting
October 13, 2016

Five Ways to Simplify Preparing for a Board Meeting

As the date for the board meeting approaches and the “to do” list grows by the minute, it’s easy to get caught in a panic. Just when you thought you had things under control, you find that one committee has not turned in its report, the location for the meeting needs to be changed, and…

Why Is Board Succession Planning Important
October 2, 2016

Why is Board Succession Planning Important?

Having term limits is a good way to ensure that a board is actively working on recruitment and succession planning on a continual basis. Boards with and without term limits find that board turnover is a little like the changing of the guard. It’s a regular event. It’s inevitable. It can be somewhat entertaining and…

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