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Healthcare Boards Must Outline Clear Objectives For Financial Management
July 8, 2020

Objectives of Financial Management in Healthcare

Among their other responsibilities, healthcare boards are responsible for ensuring that management teams and finance teams run efficiently while pursuing goals that lead to profitability. In order for healthcare organizations to succeed and provide quality healthcare for all their patients,…

COVID-19 Has Made A Severe Impact On Higher Education Institutions
June 15, 2020

How COVID-19 is Impacting Higher Education

One of the industries that’s been hit from all angles due to COVID-19 is colleges and universities. Study abroad programs have been affected. Graduations have been canceled. Students can’t access labs or complete board exams. Research programs have had to…

New Federal Laws Are Impacting Nonprofits In Major Ways
April 21, 2020

The Implications of New Federal Laws for Nonprofits

Federal laws often have many components and they’re filled with complicated information that’s hard for a lot of people to understand. These are uncertain times, especially for charitable nonprofit organizations. During this difficult time, it’s important for nonprofits and everyone…

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