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December 10, 2024

Notice of the board meeting: Regular and special

  Board meeting attendance and participation are the trustee's top responsibilities, but not just their responsibilities. Board members need enough notice to make their preparation and attendance possible. So providing advanced written notice of board meetings is not only something…

ESG For Nonprofits
January 26, 2024

ESG for nonprofits: What your board needs to know

  Does your board stand up and notice when a new concept catches on like wildfire? That’s exactly what happened with environmental, social and governance (ESG), a movement that’s been swift and thriving across all organizations. ESG principles emerged over the…

A Governance Model Helps Organizations Best Shape Their Governance Policies And Practices
August 4, 2023

What is a governance model and why does it matter?

  A governance model is a framework that outlines an organization’s general leadership accountabilities and describes how leaders and members interact with other parties. Nonprofits commonly use governance models as a basis for developing a unique governance model that suits…

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