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Understanding What A Quorum Is To Solve Board Resolutions
April 16, 2018

Quorum for a Board Resolution

Generally, a resolution is something that a group resolves or agrees to do. As it pertains to boards of directors, the outcome of a vote could be called a resolution. Certain situations call for something stronger than a vote. In…

Understanding How Credit Unions Are Nonprofit Organizations
April 11, 2018

Are All Credit Unions Nonprofits?

Banks and credit unions have many similarities and a few distinct differences. Banks and credit unions offer many of the same services, such as checking and savings accounts for individuals and businesses, money market accounts, certificates of deposit, loans and…

Understanding How To Run A Board Committee For Nonprofits
April 6, 2018

How to Run a Board Committee Meeting

Board meetings usually have jam-packed agendas. It’s nearly impossible to dedicate enough time to thoroughly vet and discuss every agenda item. When board discussions take up too much of the board meeting time, it’s generally best to move the item…

Understanding How To Balance Privacy And Transparency On A Nonprofit Board
April 4, 2018

Balancing Board Transparency With Privacy

Most people get suspicious about the things they can’t see or hear. The financial crisis of 2008 and some bad headlines have made the general public more knowledgeable and observant than ever before. As a result, they’ve also become more…

Learning What The Role Of A Nonprofit Executive Director For Board Management
April 2, 2018

Role of an Executive Director in Board Management

Best practices for governance give us some general guidelines about the expectations for the individual who serves in the role of executive director. The guidelines are broad because every organization has different and unique needs. A one-size-fits-all approach to the…

Understanding What Reputational Risk Is And What It Can Do To Your Company
March 26, 2018

What Is Reputational Risk?

Board directors covet their company’s reputation because it’s their most valuable asset. A recent joint study by Deloitte and Forbes affirmed this conviction. Their study surveyed 300 senior-level executives who agreed that their company’s reputation held the highest area of…

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