Example Board Meeting Agenda
Well-organized companies and organizations begin planning board meetings as soon as the previous meeting ends. Other boards fly by the seat of their pants and throw an agenda together the week before the meeting. Board meetings are serious business. If it’s important enough to have a board meeting, it’s important enough to plan appropriately for it.
Companies and other organizations are operating in an era of modern governance. Digital tools and board management software programs have become a necessity. With modern governance tools by BoardEffect, agenda planning and preparation can be a continual process without any extra time or work on the part of the board secretary and chair.
BoardEffect’s program allows meeting planners to use an online platform that has a built-in template where the secretary can begin filling in the next meeting’s agenda based on information from the previous agenda. The platform prefills all pertinent data such as date, location, time, etc. An electronic board meeting platform ensures that the agenda contains all pertinent items and that they’re listed in order of priority. A solid agenda ensures that board directors are taking care of their fiduciary duties and that follow-up action items are being completed in a timely manner.
Using an Example Board Meeting Agenda to Plan Around Milestone Dates
All boards operate according to various cycles. They need to account for things like regular meeting dates, annual goal-setting, annual audit, elections, budget approval, and corporate fundraising activities and events. These events typically occur around the same time each year. Some boards meet monthly, some meet every other month, and some meet quarterly.
To ensure that boards are meeting all their deadlines for compliance and other important issues, boards set up their calendars around the important deadlines they have for things.
Board meeting agendas were designed to be flexible. One of the many advantages of board management software is that it allows for fluid agenda planning. The secretary, other board directors or managers can add reports or other attachments to the meeting agenda in real time as they become ready.
Another huge benefit to using BoardEffect software is that the meeting planners can update the board meeting agenda in real time, at any time — even within days or hours of the meeting — and send out notifications to the meeting attendees so they can review the changes immediately.
Example of a Board Meeting Agenda
The goal of the agenda is to prioritize agenda items so that the board has adequate time to conduct routine board business and also allow time for new business and urgent matters. A well-organized board meeting agenda limits the time for discussion and helps the board chair keep the meeting moving and on track.
Below is a copy of an actual board meeting agenda from Goodwill in central Texas that any company or organization could use as a strong example of a board meeting agenda. Find the original board meeting agenda and others like it at this link. The agenda also includes Goodwill’s logo and a note stating that the board meeting is open to the public.
Generating life-long connections to work
June 18, 2019, 11:00am
11:00am Call to Order and Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes — President
Action Required: Motion and Vote to Approve Minutes: Attachment(s): May 17, 2019
- District Vision and Planning
- Policy Update
- Academics and Curriculum
- Student Supports and Services
- Administrative
Background: Presentation of Proposed Budget with Expansion Plans for
Discussion. Final approval scheduled for August 2019.
- SY 2019-2020 Budget
Attachment(s): Proposed Budget
- Administrative/Compliance
- Charter Expansion Board Resolutions for three additional campuses under 227827
- Resolution 1 – One additional correctional facility campus
- Resolution 2 – One additional correctional facility campus
- Resolution 3 – Additional South Austin campus located at American
Approval: Resolution 1
Approval: Resolution 2
Approval: Resolution 3
- 2019/20 Instructional Materials Certification (attachment)
Approval: 2019/20 Instructional Materials Certification
- 2019-2020 Optional Flexible School Day Program
Approval: 2019-2020 Optional Flexible School Day Program Application
- Waiver for Onsite Compensatory Education Homebound Instruction for students served under Pregnancy Related Services Background: The Goodwill Excel Center for Adults is proposing a waiver to TEA in order to provide Compensatory Education Homebound Instruction services on-campus for three additional school years (2019/20; 2020/21; 2021/22). This waiver must be approved by the school board and will allow us to provide instruction to new mothers on campus rather than visiting their individual homes. Students would receive all PRS CEHI services on campus during their prenatal, postpartum, and extended postpartum recovery periods of pregnancy. Services will be provided in a classroom specifically designed for student parents with accommodations for their children. This allows students to maintain their connections to the school community and eases the transition when their child is old enough to attend the free, on-site childcare center, The Exploration Center. We agree that we will adhere to the following:
- Provide transportation as needed.
- Serve students at home if medically indicated.
- Do not exceed student-teacher ratio of four students to one teacher.
- Do not use self-paced computer-based instruction to fulfill the four hours of CEHI.
Approval: Waiver for Onsite Compensatory Education Homebound
Instruction for students served under Pregnancy Related Services.
OPEN FORUM — Public Comment
A well-planned agenda with a structured order is important for a successful board meeting. To keep discussions from going on way too long, the agenda should state the meeting end time, and the board chair should review the agenda before the meeting starts and have an idea of how much time the board can spend on various agenda items so the meeting doesn’t run over time. One of the benefits of an electronic agenda is that it’s easy to list a start time for each agenda item to help the board chair keep the meeting on track. This is a great strategy for reining in meetings that trail too long or when the agenda includes items that require plenty of discussion.