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Claims Can Be Made Against Nonprofit Organizations, And Nonprofit Boards Should Understand What Types Of Insurance Policies Are Needed
May 30, 2022

Do Nonprofits Need Liability Insurance?

The answer to the question about whether nonprofits need liability insurance is more than a simple “yes” or “no.” When a group or individual considers purchasing any type of insurance policy, it’s important to think about the reason they need…

Nonprofit Recruitment
May 26, 2022

Tips for Recruiting During the Great Resignation

The employee turnover rate has skyrocketed as workers reevaluate their employers and career choices. With millions looking for jobs, the job climate is ripe for nonprofits to hire top talent.   Does your nonprofit board know why workers left their jobs…

The Great Resignation
May 11, 2022

Why is The Great Resignation Happening?

“The Great Resignation is still in full swing, even if quits are moderating somewhat,” Daniel Zhao, a senior economist at career site Glassdoor, said in a tweet. The coronavirus began to spread in the United States early in 2020, and it so…

Nonprofit Fundraising Plan
March 24, 2022

Nonprofit Fundraising Plan

Can you confirm that all the time, money, and effort you put into your fundraising efforts are helping your nonprofit support its mission? Repeating the same fundraisers year after year can be efficient and impactful or they can be an…

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