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Setting A Policy For Board Governance Is A Critical Aspect Of Board Work
July 1, 2019

Board Governance Policy Template

Good governance encompasses an array of issues. When corporate and organizational issues are going well, we tend to give credit to good governance practices. On the flip side, we also tend to blame poor governance practices when companies and organizations…

Governance Is A Critical Aspect Of Board Work For Boards Of Healthcare Institutions
June 28, 2019

The Role of Governance in Healthcare Organizations

Governance is a framework that accounts for all the processes of governing organizations and businesses. It’s a structure that holds boards and leaders accountable for continuously improving operations, clinical staff and processes, society and financial performance. A healthcare board of…

Boards Should Understand How To Create A Strong Governance Committee Charter To Better Plan For Current And Future Needs
June 24, 2019

Governance Committee Charter Template

The duties and responsibilities of the governance committee are important enough that boards need to assign them to someone. The best and easiest way to do this is by forming a governance committee. Governance committees are sometimes called nominating committees…

The Right Digital Tools Help Support Nonprofit Boards As They Build A Strong Ethical Culture
June 19, 2019

Ethical Behavior and Nonprofit Boards

People have a natural inclination to want to trust nonprofit organizations. Along those lines, most people generally believe that nonprofits have a strong ethical culture. While the general public acknowledges that nonprofit organizations make important contributions to our society, they…

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