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Board Structure Of Healthcare Institutions Is Largely Dependent On The Type Of Organization It Is
August 24, 2018

Board Structure of a Healthcare Institution

Since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the healthcare industry has been undergoing more major changes than almost any other industry. The changes that ACA brought with it have caused healthcare systems to make major changes in how…

The Board Structure Of A Higher Education Institution Varies By The Size Of The School And The Student Body
August 22, 2018

Board Structure of a Higher Education Institution

Boards of higher education institutions may be called by different terms and have slightly different underlying structures depending on whether they’re an independent college or university, nonprofit institution or public institution. The names of the governing bodies may include board…

As A Startup, It Is Essential To Keep Your Investors Up To Date On Any And All Progress That The Company Is Making, Even If It Is Negative
August 15, 2018

The Importance of Investor Relations for Startups

Getting investors to work with your startup is just the beginning of the entrepreneur/investor relationship. Even though you’ve worked harder than you dreamed possible to secure the necessary funding for your operation, there’s no time to rest on your laurels.…

It's Important For Start-up Founders To Look For The Best Strategy To Attract Investors
August 13, 2018

How to Attract Investors for a Startup

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of starting a new business and not realize how much it really costs to get things up and running well. Most entrepreneurs find that it costs more money and more time…

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