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Get Board Governance best practices directly in your inbox!

July 7, 2017

What Is a Board Meeting Proxy?

Any number of reasons may prevent a board director or member of a corporation from attending an important meeting, such as a special meeting or an annual meeting. The member doesn’t always have to be physically present to cast a…

How To Resolve Board Disputes
June 27, 2017

How to Resolve Board Disputes

The board handbook offers a wealth of knowledge about who the board is and how the directors should be working together to make strategic plans according to the organization’s mission. The same idea holds true for corporations and non-profit organizations.…

Electing New Board Members Making The Magic Happen
June 16, 2017

Electing New Board Members: Making the Magic Happen

Members or shareholders of organizations often enjoy reading the bios about management and board directors that lead the charge, especially when new board members are elected. News about nominations for open board director positions and upcoming elections makes for exciting articles in organizational newsletters and informational email campaigns.

Non-Profit Corporate Governance The Role Of The Board
June 1, 2017

Non-Profit Corporate Governance: The Role of the Board

In rare instances, non-profit board directors get paid for their time, but by and large, they serve as volunteers without pay. Non-profit board directors usually have a special connection to their non-profit organization that has deep personal meaning for them. Non-profit board directors are typically motivated by their passion for the organization’s mission. Some non-profit…

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