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May 25, 2016

Client Care Specialist

The Position: The Client Care Specialist will play a key role at a high-growth, high-tech company as part of a team committed to providing a first-class experience to our customers and partners. As you provide support, you will help foster…

Subsidiary Motion
May 23, 2016

Subsidiary Motion: A List of the 7 Types

What happens when a board member makes a motion and it needs to be modified? What happens when another member brings up valid reasons to postpone acting on the motion? What if the board does not have enough information to make a decisive vote? In any of these situations, the vote can’t take place before…

Incidental Motions: Robert's Rules Of Order
May 20, 2016

How to Use Incidental Motions

The uniqueness of each organization and its board calls for flexibility surrounding parliamentary procedure. Incidental motions provide a way for members to take a strict view of the rules, to relax the rules when needed, and to establish a way to handle a particular matter. When a member makes a motion that is in direct…

Boardeffect Hipaa Compliance
May 18, 2016


Healthcare Providers face several challenges when selecting and using the services of an outside / third-party vendor that could potentially be in the position of having access to individuals’ ePHI (electronic Protected Health Information).  As of December 2015, BoardEffect achieved HIPAA compliance, benefiting organizations that are required to safeguard this information under these guidelines.

Priviledged Motions
May 12, 2016

Privileged Motions: A Few Types and Examples

Imagine a handbook that covers every possible board situation that could come up at any profit or nonprofit organization. The book would be volumes upon volumes. It’s for this reason that Robert’s Rules allows some room for organizations to be flexible, under certain circumstances, and with specific rules. Main motions are the primary mechanism that…

Advisory Board Best Practices
May 10, 2016

Advisory Board Best Practices: Roles and Advice

“Don’t worry, we’ll create an advisory board so you can stay involved,” says an incoming board chair to his predecessor. The not uncommon gesture is extended, of course, with enthusiasm, sincerity and best intentions. And the statement is posed as much as a question (to me) as a promise (to her). Then someone else on…

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