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Main Motions In Parliamentary Procedure
May 9, 2016

Managing Main Motions in Parliamentary Procedure

If you asked anyone how board members make and pass motions at a board meeting, most people could give the basic protocol for a main motion. A board member makes a motion; another member seconds it; the board chair calls for the yeas and nays; and the motion passes or fails. It sounds pretty simplistic,…

Recruiting Board Members
May 2, 2016

Recruiting Board Members: A Plan and a Process

Is it better to have several vacant board seats than to have those same seats filled by ineffective board members? Is it better to risk giving a “yea” vote to a board candidate that could generate divisiveness among the board than to leave the seat vacant? There are no easy answers to either question. Yet,…

April 28, 2016

Not Just a Job: What Makes a Good Board Member?

From scheduling events to approving consent agendas to completing board self-assessment surveys, technology makes it increasingly easier for board members to do their jobs. While access to timely information absolutely helps, it’s not everything. The key to ensuring optimal job performance by nonprofit board members is recognizing that board service is, in fact, a job.

Board Member Interview Questions
April 25, 2016

Board Member Interview Questions

Most boards have staggered terms to prevent the entire board from turning over at the same time. Having staggered terms also prevents groups of board members from becoming too powerful and keeps decision-making democratic. Recruiting board members should be a continual process so that there is always a quality pool of board applicants. Board members…

Recurring Mistake Managing Boards
April 21, 2016

My Recurring Mistake in Managing Boards and How to Easily Avoid It

This was originally posted on the Wharton Entrepreneurship Blog which you can read here. So, I admit it. I’ve attended a board meeting without feeling fully prepared. And not just once. I’ve done it many times when serving in many different roles: as a board member, as an entrepreneur and executive responsible for managing my own…

Board Governance Models
April 19, 2016

Board Governance Models: A Comprehensive List

Operating a business in today’s society is increasingly complex and full of risks. The complexity of the business world, combined with the current unstable economic climate, places elevated demands on boards of directors in the nonprofit and for-profit worlds. These are just a couple of reasons that boards need to select a board governance model…

Role Of Board In Risk Management
April 14, 2016

The Role of the Board in Risk Management

In decades past, boards could rely solely on management to oversee and manage risk. The 2008 financial crisis, also known as the global financial crisis, was considered to be the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Harsh economic times hit boards of directors squarely, as they came face to face with complex legal issues…

Executive Director Performance Evaluation
April 12, 2016

How to do an Executive Director Performance Evaluation

The executive director’s primary responsibilities are to direct the organization’s financial health and to drive overall progress and success. The role of the executive director is integral towards fulfilling the mission of the organization. The board of directors sets the standards that outline the responsibilities and expectations of the executive director and the board measures…

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