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Board Recruitment
December 23, 2015

A Board Member’s Take on Board Recruitment

Among the three cycles of board work, the Board Development Cycle is at once very important to the long-term health of an organization, yet also often overlooked or under-emphasized. More specifically, ongoing recruitment of new board members is critical to…

Community Still Knows Best
December 22, 2015

The Community Still Knows Best

The Mark Zuckerberg, Priscilla Chan record $46 billion pledge – give or take – has had tongues wagging since its announcement. People are excited. This is the largest single commitment to philanthropy in history. However, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will…

2016 Board Governance Trends
December 17, 2015

2016 Board Governance Trends

Year-end brings a welcome, almost obligatory opportunity for reflection. Before we can anticipate coming trends and determine which to follow – and how – we need to assess where we are. In a moment of seasonal contemplation, I asked some colleagues about the trends they’re seeing in working with boards. On the corporate side, board…

Board Governance Turbulent Times
December 10, 2015

Grasping Governance in Turbulent Times

Under a deluge of dreary news about Syrian refugees, mass shootings, and state budget crises, it’s hard to keep spirits bright this season. Division in the US over race relations, gun control, mental health services, and tax structure shows everywhere…

November 19, 2015

The State of the State Budget Crises

The nonprofit sector is the final frontier, at least in the midst of a state budget impasse. A local news story on public radio recently explained why the protracted budget crisis in Pennsylvania has elicited little outcry relative to its momentous impact on nonprofits. Lawmakers and state employees continue to get paid, so only the…

November 10, 2015

Guiding Principle Spotlight: Control

Include Original Files It was wonderful seeing so many BoardEffect users last month at our annual conference, Become 2015.  I enjoyed connecting with administrators who use BoardEffect across a diverse range of organizations.  I particularly enjoyed talking about the broad-ranging and fluid nature of your boards’ activities in the context of the three operating cycles…

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