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November 9, 2015

Benchmarking Foundation Governance: Insights and Opportunities

Last week, the Center for Effective Philanthropy (“CEP”) released the Benchmarking Foundation Governance report, which summarizes survey responses to governance-related questions.   CEP created these questions in collaboration with BoardSource; and the questions were posed to leaders of large, private U.S.-based foundations. …

November 3, 2015

BoardEffect Now Available in the Google Play Store

PRESS RELEASE:  Philadelphia PA - November 3, 2015 BoardEffect, the leading board management software solution provider for non-profit and mission-based organizations worldwide, announces the availability of its board management software on Android via the Google Play Store. "Board members now have…

October 15, 2015

Fostering Circumspect Vision [Slideshare]

Navigating through the windshield and rear-view A critical focus of the board is to engage in deciding what to pay attention to, what it means, and what to do about it – ultimately, to what’s ahead for an organization and ensure the ongoing relevance of the mission it strives to achieve.

Board Staff
October 13, 2015

Staff as the Secret to Board Success

Effective board development requires board involvement, as the “care and feeding” of the board is an ongoing board responsibility. That said, the staff typically plays an essential role, too, provided they are empowered — surprisingly, there is common debate about…

The Numbers Dont Add Up
September 29, 2015

The Numbers Don’t Add Up

The numbers don’t add up. According to CohnReznick’s 2015 Not-For-Profit Governance Survey, 81% of respondents ranked cyber security as a leading cause of concern among nonprofit leaders, yet only 11% of boards have created risk management or IT committees. Perhaps…

September 23, 2015

Coming to Terms with Conflicts of Interest

What do board conflicts of interest and pornography have in common? Nothing, it turns out. While the latter is vaguely defined but commonly recognized “when we see it,” conflicts of interest seem to be the opposite – clearly defined yet often NOT recognized, even in plain sight.

August 31, 2015

Channeling Organizational Board Collaboration [Slideshare]

Board Collaboration: The grease that allows the engine to run We addressed how technology can be leveraged when trying to enhance board processes in our recent infographic. In our second installment on using technology to elevate board performance, we focus specifically on how to cultivate board collaboration.

August 25, 2015

Building Board Crisis Management (and Prevention) Capacity

Despite great intentions otherwise, nonprofit – and for-profit – boards frequent the news. While the Planned Parenthood crisis is front and center now, headlines have covered all sorts of “scandals” in recent years (ie. Penn State, Target, Enron, Sweet Briar College). Even the ALS board faced the spotlight during last year’s wildly successful “Ice Bucket…

How To Sell Board Management Software To Your Board
August 13, 2015

How to Sell Board Management Software to Your Board

New technology, like Board Management Software, isn’t always welcomed into an organization, even when it’s urgently needed. Champions at every level encounter obstacles. Exponent Partners explains why, noting that program teams focus on their priorities, not the organization as a whole, and leadership doesn’t have the capacity to research new projects. So how can you…

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