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March 18, 2015

When Good Boards Break Down

Sometimes, despite good intentions, nonprofit boards miss the mark. Even when organizational decline is obvious to external stakeholders, the board fails to recognize the problem or solution. While most of these crises aren’t necessarily caused by the board, the board sometimes is the culprit.  A recent article in The Nonprofit Times identifies common circumstances and potential…

March 5, 2015

Updating Standards for the Sector

Best Practices, Governance Principles Revised, The Nonprofit Times, Feb. 25, 2015  reports this week Independent Sector released an updated edition of its 33 Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practices, marking the first major revisions since its original release in 2007. The event was marked by bi-partisan fanfare on Capitol Hill. As one Senator noted, establishing…

Gender Diversity On Boards
March 3, 2015

Gender Diversity on Boards

The impact of gender diversity in the board room is the focus of a recent article in the Harvard Business Review. Despite research that shows better performance, higher profitability, and increased collective intelligence on teams with gender diversity, the composition…

January 9, 2015

Senior Developer, Ruby on Rails (Washington, DC)

BoardEffect is growing rapidly, fueled by demand for our solution and by an outstanding team and culture. You’re the hands-on type who will not only be a core coder for our leading software product, you’ll be a driver and innovator…

November 18, 2014

Critical Elements for Board Effectiveness

The concept of good governance is moving toward mainstream awareness. A recent blog, entitled “Strong Culture and Leadership Critical for Nonprofit Board Strategic Success,” appeared in Huff Post Business and applied some concepts gleaned from for-profit boards to the nonprofit sector. First and foremost, it reminds us that all boards — for-profit and nonprofit — face similar challenges…

October 28, 2014

Nonprofit Boards: It’s All About Impact

Participants at a local conference for board members recently shared what they enjoy most about serving on nonprofit boards:  impact… and serving the mission. Then they rattled off a longer list of what they didn’t enjoy:   the time commitment, listening to reports, worrying about finances, fundraising, recruiting others, shelving the strategic plan, and so on.…

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