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July 22, 2014

S3: “Boards and Magical Thinking”

Oh hey there. We hope you've enjoyed our posts about governance so far. In the office, we've been working on a program where we share weekly information about governance that we think is share-worthy. The commentary is provided by one…

July 20, 2014

ICYMI: Changes in Nonprofit Law

In addition to posting about governance commentary, we also want to share information about the nonprofit world and changes that affect our clients. Cue our "ICYMI" or "In Case You Missed It" posts. Our first post is about the changes…

May 25, 2014

Snapshot 2014: Board roles amid the “Rising Tide of Expectation”

America’s Charities published their yearly Snapshot of over 240 charitable organizations to explore the key trends that are shaping corporate and nonprofit partnerships as well as the challenges and opportunities they face moving forward. The title of this year’s publication is Snapshot 2014: Rising Tide of Expectations—Corporate Giving, Employee Engagement and Impact. According to the…

May 1, 2014

Springing forward with the new release

We strive to continue to improve BoardEffect to meet the needs and requests of our clients and we are excited to have released the new features this Monday. Based directly on client feedback, we have increased the functionality of the product and hope that you enjoy the improvements as much as we do. We held…

April 29, 2014

Becoming a Paperless Board of Directors

Although we’re a little late, we still think it’s important to celebrate Earth Day, not only on April 22, but everyday. With that said, we think it is a great time to bring up one of the conversations we had with our clients about becoming a paperless board of directors at our BE Connected User Conference…

April 16, 2014

Successfully implementing eGovernance: Part III

In Successfully Implementing eGovernance Part I and Part II , we addressed how to manage some of the challenges that arise during the planning and research process of eGovernance. What's next on our journey is our tips on how to make eGovernance implementations…

April 7, 2014

Successfully implementing eGovernance: Part II

If you’ve read Part I of our series, you might be wondering about what other challenges organizations face during the planning phase of portal implementation. During Volume II, we will address other challenges. In Volume III, our series will wrap up with successful tips for making eGovernance successful. We’ll begin in media res. Back to the…

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