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Successfully Implementing A Board Portal
April 3, 2014

How to Successfully Implement a Board Portal

As the prevalence of technology increases, we continue to find new ways to integrate it into our lives. From food and fitness tracking to home security, there is an app for almost everything – including online board books. If your board is not yet using board meeting software for board meetings or you employ a cumbersome process…

March 11, 2014

What is the Right Role for I.T. in Managing a Board Portal?

Recently, we received a call from an IT director who was looking for some advice on how to best help the board office staff take “ownership” of their BoardEffect board portal. The board office was being flooded with requests from committees, senior management teams, and working groups to expand the use of the board portal. …

March 11, 2014

eGovernance is more than just the technology

In the 15 or so years since the term “eGovernance” was first coined, its use has broadened to include not only the use of technology to expand citizen participation in government, but also to describe using technology to streamline the management of boards of directors – i.e., board portals.  Notwithstanding their differences, in either definition…

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