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Board Effectiveness

Board Effectiveness Checklist

Board effectiveness reflects the board’s ability to deliver on its mission and achieve its goals.

The technology, processes and skills that today’s nonprofit board members and trustees need are evolving as quickly as the external landscape. Organizations must be all at once more informed, more secure, more collaborative and more purpose-driven.

To fully meet changes and modern governance standards, board members must have a grasp of all the workflows, insights, policies, stakeholders and moving parts that make up the nonprofit organization and its activities. Without it, leaders may fail to make the right decisions at critical times and can expose their organizations to costly governance deficits and operational risks.

Board Effectiveness

This Board Effectiveness Checklist organized into key areas will help your nonprofit board operate even more effectively.

  • Board mission & purpose
  • Board membership
  • Board governance
  • Board efficiency
  • Measurement

Download the checklist now!

“When looking for a board portal we reviewed several in the industry. BoardEffect met our functionality requirements equal to each of their competitors. Based on the function and price comparison BoardEffect was easily seen as the best solution. We have been pleased with our implementation and our ongoing support by BoardEffect. BoardEffect has a wide install base that gives them the experience to guide implementation decisions for best practice with their portal.”

Joyce Miller Evans

Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services

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