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There Are Many Factors That Impact Nonprofit Executive Compensation
December 28, 2022

Cyber Risk Reporting for Community Banks

  By the very nature of finance, community banks hold a considerable amount of personal information. Such a vast amount of data and its sensitivity is a goldmine in the hands of a cybercriminal, making cyber risk reporting for community…

Using A Cybersecurity Strategy Template Helps College Boards Establish Strong Security Practices
November 1, 2022

Cybersecurity Strategy Template for College Boards

  Every college and university should have a cybersecurity strategy, regardless of the size of the school. Cybersecurity is a sustainable program of processes and controls that are interdependent. To be effective, a cybersecurity strategy should include specific components. It’s…

Nonprofit Board Members Should Know And Understand Each Law Their Organization Must Comply With
October 25, 2022

Nonprofit Laws Checklist for Board Members

  Because nonprofit organizations serve the public good, nonprofit boards must continually work to earn the public’s trust. State and federal governments’ nonprofit laws hold them accountable, as they get tax breaks for providing public services. Like their for-profit counterparts,…

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