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November 21, 2018

Top 10 Board Governance Attributes of Great Ministry Boards

What do great ministry boards have in common in relation to board governance? A great ministry almost always has a great board, and a great board scores high on these board governance attributes. Use this as a checklist to see where your board is strong and where you may need to make adjustments to be…

November 7, 2018

Consent Agenda for a Nonprofit Board

If your nonprofit board wants to maximize your board meeting time as much as possible, one way to create efficiency is to begin utilizing a consent agenda. Some boards prefer to call it a consent calendar. According to best practices…

October 29, 2018

How to Ensure Good Governance for Your Nonprofit

Most commonly, people tend to connect the idea of governance with for-profit corporations. Governance has existed for decades, although there wasn’t much focus on it until the financial crisis hit in 2008. The reality is that practicing good governance principles…

October 26, 2018

Best Practices for Nonprofit Board Term Limits

Nonprofit organizations serve such a wide variety of purposes that the federal government felt it was best to give them some flexibility to be able to govern themselves. There are no requirements for term limits for nonprofit organizations, but best…

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