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September 13, 2017

Board Size and Nonprofit Governance

With the large number of different types of organizations that can file for nonprofit status, it’s easy to see how a non-profit board could be a board of one or 51. As volunteers become invested in an organization’s cause, their…

September 11, 2017

Training Hospital Board Members About Cybersecurity Threats

Effective teaching and training begins with setting clear goals. The “SMART” corporate training philosophy has guided many successful training programs. Each training objective should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-oriented. Establishing a clear training plan is as important for…

August 16, 2017

Fundamentals of Hospital Board Governance

When you enter the hospital as a patient, you have certain expectations for how you will be treated. You expect that the doctors will use tests to assess your health. From there, you can reasonably anticipate that the assessment will…

August 3, 2017

The Cost of Regulation on Small-cap Companies

The scandals of major corporations like Enron and others in the banking industry caused a significant tightening up of regulations in the securities industry. As a result, large corporations scrambled to keep pace with new expectations for compliance. Fortunately, they…

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