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Checklist For Board Meeting
August 25, 2016

Checklist for a Board Meeting

Board meetings can become pretty routine, but that does not mean that planning for them should be completely routine. Most meetings will tackle looming problems, identify future opportunities, and spark new ideas. While it’s important for a board meeting to have a solid structure, it should also have a little flexibility built into the agenda…

Send Your Board Back To School
August 23, 2016

Send Your Board Back to School

As back-to-school anticipation permeates the August air, students of all ages gear up for another cycle of learning. Pencils, notebooks, laptops, and iPads fly off shelves and summer fades into study season. So culturally conditioned are we to schooling that those not enrolling might experience pangs of education envy.

What Is An Advisory Board Meeting
August 20, 2016

What is an Advisory Board Meeting?

It’s a well-established fact that boards should strive to build a board that has diversity of gender, culture, ethnicity, age, and other demographics. It is also well-supported that boards should have a diverse array of expertise, knowledge, and talent. Despite best efforts to create a well-rounded board of directors, boards often benefit from experts that…

Corporate Governance Best Practices
August 16, 2016

Corporate Governance Best Practices

When it comes to the culture of an organization, it’s hard to fool the public. A healthy public image is often a sign of good corporate governance. The aftermath of the bankruptcies of major entities such as Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco sent a fury through the financial industry. The shock of their demise sent plenty…

Non-Profit Board Legal Responsibilities
August 12, 2016

Nonprofit Board Legal Responsibilities

Board candidates that seek a position on the board of directors of nonprofit organizations are typically passionate about the organization that they want to serve. It’s important that all board members of nonprofit organizations understand the legal responsibilities that they hold relative to their positions on the board. Failing to fulfill their responsibilities according to…

Gender Diversity On Boards
August 10, 2016

Gender Diversity on Boards & Why it Matters

A diverse board of directors brings a range of perspectives and talent that synergizes the board as a whole entity. Many important discussions take place on boards. It’s the differing perspectives of board members that lessen the potential for group think and lead to well-rounded decisions.

Executive Director Transition Plan
August 7, 2016

Why Every Organization Needs an Executive Director Transition Plan

Your chief executive is leaving. No, not hypothetically. At some point, the CEO, executive director, or maybe even founder of your organization will move on to something new. In fact, according to BoardSource, 50% of nonprofit leaders expect to leave their positions within the next five years, yet only one-third of organizations have a succession…

Resigning From A Board
August 5, 2016

Resigning from a Board: A How-To Guide

Making the decision to serve on a board is generally done with great forethought and consideration. Making a decision to resign from a board should be given equal, if not more, attention. There are two general reasons that members resign from a board—either they are not serving the board to the best of their abilities…

Avoiding Conflicts On Interest
August 3, 2016

Avoiding Conflicts of Interest on a Board of Directors

Whether it’s a commercial entity or a non-profit organization, nearly every director that serves on a board has an outside level of interest in the organization’s business. That’s a good thing from the perspective that board members share their areas of expertise with the rest of the board. It’s a bad thing when a board…

Roi Vs. In-house Solutions
August 1, 2016

Calculating the Cost Savings of a Board Portal vs. Building In-House

Last week a prospective client asked us how BoardEffect users typically measure organizational cost savings from using our product.  This is a relatively common question, which isn’t surprising given that virtually all organizations today operate with budget constraints. But this frequent and seemingly simple request implies a range of related questions centered around calculating Return…

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