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Running an Effective Board Meeting

Understanding the Best Practices for Running An Effective Board Meeting

An effective board meeting begins with a board that has a healthy board culture and board members who bring the right characteristics to the table. A board of directors that has a strong understanding of the principles of good corporate governance will be able to fulfill board duties responsibly and collaboratively. However, in order to run a truly effective and productive board meeting, board members must factor in a number of important components, including:

  • Discussing long- and short-term goals
  • Developing good working relationships with managers
  • Understanding the role of the agenda
  • Managing conflicts of interest

…and more considerations that contribute to positive board meeting outcomes.

Download this white paper to learn more!

“When looking for a board portal we reviewed several in the industry. BoardEffect met our functionality requirements equal to each of their competitors. Based on the function and price comparison BoardEffect was easily seen as the best solution. We have been pleased with our implementation and our ongoing support by BoardEffect. BoardEffect has a wide install base that gives them the experience to guide implementation decisions for best practice with their portal.”

Joyce Miller Evans

Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services

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