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Leverage data for your mission-driven organisation's success

guide to using data for nonprofits

For mission-driven organisations, the right data delivers superpowers.

On the strategy side, it’s both spotlight and crystal ball into areas like fundraising trends and beneficiary needs, so leaders can set realistic and achievable goals.

At the operations end of things, data helps organisations channel precious resources to the activities that yield the greatest impact — and make adjustments on the fly as needed.

When an organisation is equipped with the right information, financial risks, operational challenges and external threats are no longer unwelcome surprises or insurmountable problems. In this guide to data for mission-driven organisations you will learn:

  • Why data management and analytics should be a priority for every mission-driven leader
  • What data to collect and how to use it
  • The key questions to ask to ensure effective data usage

Download this free guide today and take the next step in your organisation’s data maturity for your mission’s success.

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Joyce Miller Evans

Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services

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