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Keep your board running smoothly as volunteer board members come and go

lifecycle of nonprofit board members

Managing the lifecycle of volunteer board members in a nonprofit or mission-driven organization can be a daunting task.

A volunteer board is almost always in flux. A new member is learning the ropes. A longtime member has just submitted a notice of resignation.

To effectively manage this constant cycle of change — known as the board member lifecycle — mission-driven leaders must build trustee lifecycle management strategies into their daily work. But how can you accomplish this when time and resources are so hard to come by?

Introducing our comprehensive checklist, designed specifically for board administrators and governance professionals like you. Say “goodbye” to the chaos of onboarding and offboarding, and “hello” to streamlined processes and enhanced collaboration. Our checklist provides all the tools you need to effectively manage the constant cycle of change within your board.

Download the checklist to better navigate the complexities of managing board members, ensure compliance and keep your board running smoothly.

“When looking for a board portal we reviewed several in the industry. BoardEffect met our functionality requirements equal to each of their competitors. Based on the function and price comparison BoardEffect was easily seen as the best solution. We have been pleased with our implementation and our ongoing support by BoardEffect. BoardEffect has a wide install base that gives them the experience to guide implementation decisions for best practice with their portal.”

Joyce Miller Evans

Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services

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