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The Role Of Governance In Healthcare Organizations

The Role of Governance in Healthcare Organizations

Governance is a framework that accounts for all the processes of governing organizations and businesses. It’s a structure that holds boards and leaders accountable for continuously improving operations, clinical staff…

What Is An Advisory Council?

What Is an Advisory Council?

Boards of directors generally do their best to develop well-composed boards that have the necessary skills and capabilities to run their organizations well. However, while a board may have a…

The Nonprofit’s Guide To Parliamentary Procedure

The Nonprofit’s Guide to Parliamentary Procedure

Nonprofit boards benefit from multiple perspectives in decision-making. Without order, too many ideas can lead to chaos and confusion. Procedures that create order allow all board directors to participate in…

The Role Of The CEO For A Credit Union

The Role of the CEO for a Credit Union

Board directors and CEOs have distinctly different roles and responsibilities. Where things tend to get a little murky is when the CEO also holds a position as the board chair.…

The Different Nonprofit Governance Models

The Different Nonprofit Governance Models

The current governance model for nonprofit organizations consists of a volunteer board of directors that hails from the community and that partners with paid or unpaid managers. This model is…

The Role Of The CEO For Healthcare Industries

The Role of the CEO for Healthcare Industries

Any top-level managerial job where the position requires being responsible for a large, complex organization is challenging enough on its own merits. With the changes in healthcare, CEOs in the…

The Duties Of A Nonprofit Treasurer

The Duties of a Nonprofit Treasurer

While it may appear that the treasurer of a nonprofit organization does nothing more than appear at the board meeting with the financial report in hand, many of the duties…

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