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Strategies For Effective Board Leadership

Strategies for Effective Board Leadership

In general, boards are in the spotlight with a focus on board effectiveness. As the light shines brighter, weak boards stand out more than ever before. As new board directors…

College Board Effectiveness Checklist

College Board Effectiveness Checklist

Just as boards expect students to reach their fullest potential with the education the college provides, board members also need to strive to perform at their peak in overseeing the…

Board Orientation Best Practices

Board Orientation Best Practices

Some board members attend their first board meeting knowing pretty much what to expect. Even experienced board directors benefit by having the opportunity to attend a well-prepared, well-organized board orientation…

10 Characteristics Of Successful Board Relationships

10 Characteristics of Successful Board Relationships

The duties and responsibilities of board directors are more complex and difficult than ever before. Serving on a board of directors requires complex oversight, transparency and accountability. Technology has become…

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