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How To Become A Healthcare Compliance Officer

How to Become a Healthcare Compliance Officer

The laws and regulations that govern healthcare are too numerous to list here. A healthcare compliance officer stays informed of all healthcare laws and regulations, and they provide a valuable…

Choosing The Right Boardroom Technology In 2021

Choosing the Right Boardroom Technology in 2021

The latest advancements in technology have given nonprofit boards many tools that increase their capability and functionality. With so many apps and programs available, it's easy to get bogged down…

7 Rules of Virtual Board Engagement

What does true virtual board engagement look like, and how do boards know when they achieve it? Board engagement is part art and part science, and it never ends. Rather,…

Nonprofit Board Video Conference Etiquette

Nonprofit Board Video Conference Etiquette

The ongoing pandemic is making video conferencing a necessary component of nonprofit leadership for the foreseeable future. Videoconference technology can keep your board safe and connected, which is vitally important…

Improving Board Education For Nonprofits

Improving Board Education for Nonprofits

Passion is often the thing that motivates people to serve on a nonprofit board, but passion alone only takes them so far. It’s not uncommon for nonprofit board members to…

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