What Is a Quorum? Definition, Best Practices, Examples and FAQs
A quorum refers to the minimum number of group or organization members that must be present for official business to be carried out. This minimum number is usually set…
A quorum refers to the minimum number of group or organization members that must be present for official business to be carried out. This minimum number is usually set…
It’s easy to focus on the mechanics of running an organization through a board and unintentionally overlook how much of the board’s work is related to communication. We have…
What does it take to make nonprofit boards work better? First, you have to understand why board effectiveness matters. In this article we explore why effectiveness matters for nonprofit boards,…
Behind every great nonprofit is a hardworking board. While board members may put many hours of time and effort into their board duties, it’s fair to ask whether they’re…
The word governance stems from the Latin word gubernare, which means to steer or rule. Governance in healthcare boards is evolving, as technology has made it possible for hospitals…
Just as healthcare organizations struggled with how to adapt to mergers and meet the evolving needs of their communities, COVID-19 struck with a vengeance forcing changes in governance in healthcare.…
Has your nonprofit board put application security on your board agenda? Cybercrime is ubiquitous, and it can cause problems for your nonprofit’s budget and good name. To help your board stay…
Does your board approach your annual board evaluations merely as an exercise to check off your task list, or do you view it as a highly effective tool that provides…
Thank you for your interest in our guide to the Top five best practices in nonprofit governance. Please click the link below to download the PDF.
Navigating the complex world of nonprofit board governance can be a daunting task. Although many techniques are recognized as highly effective, they are often underutilized. We have focused simply on…