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Virtual Meeting Toolkit

Virtual Meeting Toolkit

“A seat at the table” has quickly become a seat in your home office. Mitch Johnson, Board and Volunteer Relations Manager for the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a BoardEffect…

Virtual Meeting Toolkit – Thank You

Join BoardEffect’s Dottie Schindlinger and Human Rights Campaign's Mitch Johnson as we discuss how to navigate the waters of successfully conducting online meetings for your organization’s board – while maintaining…

Crisis Management Toolkit – Thank You

Which landmark events, regulations, and crises have set the tone for 2020? In this report, BoardEffect assesses the governance landscape. Emergent risk, culture, sustainability, board diversity—we cover it all. Don’t…

COVID-19 Resources

BoardEffect has compiled the following resources to help organizations navigate these difficult times. [New Whitepaper!] Virtual Meeting Toolkit - Published 5/6/2020 [Whitepaper] Crisis Management Toolkit – Published 4/8/2020 [Webinar Replay] …

5 Governance Predictions for 2020 – Thank You

Increasing board effectiveness is a common goal that most nonprofit organizations strive for. However, actually putting the numerous techniques and approaches into practice is less common. In considering the best…

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