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Nonprofits, Associations and Foundations

Nonprofit governance can be complex, time-consuming, and unorganized but the right tools can make it efficient and less complicated. With decades of nonprofit and association experience, BoardEffect is a board management platform designed for the work of efficient and collaborative boards,…

Board Self-Evaluation Sample

Board Self-Evaluation Sample

Board self-evaluations are of interest to more than just the board directors. Investors, stakeholders and regulators are also looking for assurance that boards are committed to enhancing their own effectiveness.…

Governance Committee Charter Template

Governance Committee Charter Template

The duties and responsibilities of the governance committee are important enough that boards need to assign them to someone. The best and easiest way to do this is by forming…

Ethical Behavior And Nonprofit Boards

Ethical Behavior and Nonprofit Boards

People have a natural inclination to want to trust nonprofit organizations. Along those lines, most people generally believe that nonprofits have a strong ethical culture. While the general public acknowledges…

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