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CEO Compensation Packages For Nonprofit Boards

CEO Compensation Packages for Nonprofit Boards

The structure of nonprofits varies in many ways and that has a major impact on CEO compensation for nonprofit organizations. It’s impossible to establish one-size-fits-all CEO compensation packages. In fact,…

Sample Board Diversity Policy

Sample Board Diversity Policy

Your board’s commitment to creating a board diversity policy is such an important task that you’ll want to get it right. A sample board diversity policy or template can help…

Nonprofit Succession Planning Checklist

Nonprofit Succession Planning Checklist

If the board president or executive director of your nonprofit organization resigned tomorrow, what’s the first thing would your board do? If your answer is, “I don’t know,” it’s time…

Objectives Of Financial Management In Healthcare

Objectives of Financial Management in Healthcare

Among their other responsibilities, healthcare boards are responsible for ensuring that management teams and finance teams run efficiently while pursuing goals that lead to profitability. In order for healthcare organizations…

Governance Strategy Examples

Governance Strategy Examples

Businesses and other organizations have an overall governance corresponding strategy. There can be different types of sub-governance frameworks within a main governance strategy. For example, IT governance falls within corporate…

What Does Good Governance Mean For Today’s Boards?

What Does Good Governance Mean for Today’s Boards?

What is governance and what does good governance mean for today’s boards of directors? Good governance of today accounts for longstanding governance practices, as well as modern governance principles. Both…

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