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thank you volunteer graphic

Celebrate your board members with heartfelt appreciation

This National Volunteer Week, honor the unsung heroes of your mission — your volunteer board members. These dedicated individuals lend their time, expertise and passion without asking for anything in return. They are the backbone of your organization, guiding with integrity and foresight.

This set of free downloadable appreciation graphics is perfect for conveying your thanks as you recognize their indispensable efforts in driving your mission forward:

  • Personalized touch: Each graphic is thoughtfully designed to reflect the spirit of gratitude, making your board members feel genuinely appreciated.
  • Easy to use: Ready to be shared via email, newsletters or social media, these graphics are perfect for expressing thanks in the digital age.
  • Universal appeal: Whether your board is comprised of seasoned professionals or young visionaries, these graphics will resonate with everyone, ensuring your message of appreciation is loud and clear.

The work volunteer board members do behind the scenes might not always be visible, but their impact is profound and far-reaching. In the hustle of day-to-day responsibilities, a simple Thank You can mean the world. It can reinforce the value of their contribution and can help motivate them to continue their invaluable work for your board.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make your board members feel truly appreciated. Download these free graphics now and light up their National Volunteer Week with the recognition they deserve.

Download now to say “Thank you” in style!

“When looking for a board portal we reviewed several in the industry. BoardEffect met our functionality requirements equal to each of their competitors. Based on the function and price comparison BoardEffect was easily seen as the best solution. We have been pleased with our implementation and our ongoing support by BoardEffect. BoardEffect has a wide install base that gives them the experience to guide implementation decisions for best practice with their portal.”

Joyce Miller Evans

Vice President, Chief Information Officer, Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services

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